
Friday, 9 November 2012

Fruits Combo that keep you away from prescription drug and hospital

 I have been drinking these fruit combo for some years now and hence i can confirm its health benefit. If you combine drinking this fruit combo and my previous post (bitterleaf and Ugwu/pumpkin leaf) i think no illness can tye/get you down.

Good for the heart.
Its a good source of potassium (helps nerves and muscle function)
Good for the kidney
Has antioxidant ( helps reduce some sort of cancer)

We all know orange is rich in vitamic C ( helps fight resistance against infections)
It alsoe contain good level of vitamin A (souce of anti-inflammatory and immune modulator)
Also a souce of B-complex ( maintain healthy skin and vision)
Also contain good amount of potassuim and calcium

Help lower blood pressure
Contains potassium thus allowing for healhy amount of calcium in the body
Helps reduce the effect of diarrhea and constipation
High in vitamin B6 ( about 36%)

Helps increase quality of protein in whole organism
Revitalise the human body and maintain energy and vitality
Boost the immune system
Helps prevent cataract formation and many more.

Antioxidant protection and immune booster
Has anti-inflammatory and degestive benefits
Helps proctect against muscular degeneration and many more.

Passion  fruit
Is a good souce of dietry fiber
Good level of vitamin C and A and many more

Optional: Yogurt

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Stuffed couscous

My husband and i half of the time we are non-vegan but we try as much as possible to incorporate vegan diet into our meals!!!!! Tonight is one of those night...we ate a Couscous stuffed peppers, i would say it was de-li-cious being the first to prepare it.

Recipe for 2

1/4 cup couscous
2 yellow peppers
2 red peppers
1 onion
1 tomato
1 courgette
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup cashew nut (crushed)
2 tbsp of fresh coriander
salt and pepper

1. Pre-heat the oven to about 200 deg. C, brush the peppers with olive oil and roast for 10-15 min or more.
2. Soak the couscous in 1/4 cup of boiling water ( this should be made when the pepper and vegetable are almost cooked)
3.Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil and fry the diced onion until soft add the diced courgette and cashew nut and cook for about 5 minutes, add the diced tomato and cook further, (when the peppers are cooked) then add the soaked couscous and coriander into the stir fry onion and stir, then stuff these into the oven grilled peppers.

For dessert we had....or my hubby had ( i am not an ice-cream person) pistachio ice-cream.